Posted by cheree at 12:08 PM 7 comments
Posted by cheree at 11:50 AM 6 comments
Posted by cheree at 10:58 AM 3 comments
Posted by cheree at 2:54 PM 10 comments
So our good friend Heidi tagged me. I have to say it was kinda hard coming up with 7 things for everything!!
Lucky #7
7 Things I Can Do:
*Do hair
* make yummy treats
*Multi-task very well
7Things I Cannot Do:
*Drive a stick shift
*Eat anything with Mayo on it!!
*Kill a spider
*Live away from my family
* Watch scary movies
*Handle stress
7 Things that Attracted Me to Kevyn
* His blue eyes
*his smile
* His thoughtful ness
*His sense of humor
* He always put me first
*He would always surprise me with something when we got together!
* He ALWAYS opened my door
7 Things I Say Most Often:
*Oh really
*Sweet Pea
*Love you
7 Celebrity Admiration's:
* really have no clue on this one
7 Favorite Foods (in no particular order):
*Cheese quesadillas
*Diet Coke
*Pasta Salads
*Pumpkin spice hersey kisses
*Cafe Rio's Pork burritos
*Bread(Yes I know that there is nothing healthy on here:)
7 People to Tag:
Posted by cheree at 12:11 PM 3 comments
Posted by cheree at 12:51 PM 11 comments
Posted by cheree at 7:10 AM 7 comments
Posted by cheree at 9:47 AM 7 comments
We had a pretty fun 4th of July. We just hung out with my family. We had a BBQ at my sister's house and then just watched the fireworks. I know, real exciting! It was just nice to have a few days off with Kevyn and just relax! We hope you all had a great 4th !We got Addy this pool thinking she would love it, and she won't have anything to do with it. Even when I got in it with her. What do you do?!
We decided to let Addy try eating corn on the cob all by herself and she loved it! She knawed on that thing most of the night.
The night before we took her to the fair. She loved the merry-go-round! We couldn't get her off of it. We then tried the rollercoaster she did not like that at all. She stuffed her face in Kevyn's shirt and held on for dear life!
Addy didn't know what to think of the fireworks. They were a little to loud and bright for her I think. She had me cover her eyes most of the time.
Posted by cheree at 8:21 PM 8 comments
This was our annual family trip to Island Park. This year was a bit different than most . We mostly hung out in the cabin because pretty much everyone got sick and was throwing up YUCK!! And of course it all started with my daughter! We did do a few fun things, we floated the river and went to Big Springs and feed the fish. But mostly we watched lots of movies and cleaned up throw up!!The first day we were there all the girls went shopping in West Yellowstone. Addy loved these bears! They were in almost every store, and she had to give all of them a hug and a kiss.It was pretty funny!
This was really one of the only activities we were able to do (since everyone was sick). We floated down Box Canyon River in my dad's drift boat. It was so pretty!
Just sitting by the camp and roasting marshmallows...DELICIOUS!!
This is how we spent most of our trip, just hanging out in the cabin!
Posted by cheree at 10:00 AM 8 comments
I know I'm a little late on posting this, better late then never, right?! But I had to give a little shout out to my baby brother, Kyle. I can't believe he has graduated. He would kill me for calling him "baby brother", but I still think of him as that. We are so proud of you, Kyle,and all that you have accomplished. We love you!
Yes this is a random picture of Addy, but I thought it was so cute! I had to show her off in her new sunglasses and cute little hat! What a babe!!
Posted by cheree at 12:38 PM 6 comments
We went camping over Memorial weekend and what an adventure it was! We headed up to Yearn's Resovoir Friday afternoon and we had about a 2 hour drive. We finally got up there and were so excited and then noticed that there were a motor home and a trailer stuck in the mud trying to get up where we needed to be. the mud was awful. Trucks and trailers were sliding everywhere. So we didn't even chance it. So back down the mountain we go in hopes we will find some where else to go. We stop at the Palisades campground while our husbands went to see if there was anywhere to go. While they are gone our car window breaks and will not roll up. So the boys get back & I tell Kevyn the window is broke , he says he will fix it later. So we end up being able to buy a spot from a family at the Palisades. We get set up just in time for the rain to come pouring down.While me & Darci are in the trailer our husbands are out in the rain trying to get a fire going on our "little grill" so we can have dinner. Then I remember, we have not fixed our window yet. The car was soaked!! So the boys just thru a tarp over it and fixed it in the morning. Saturday was a pretty good day. It didn't rain to much but it was freezing! W e played at the park, went fishing and melted the road while we cooked dutch oven, it was the best dinner I have had!! That night we were getting kids ready for bed . I stood up on the bed to open the cupboard to get a diaper. The doors are really hard to get open, I couldn't get it to open. So I pulled real hard and smacked myself right in the nose. It hurt so bad I really thought I broke it (i didn't). So it 's about 11:00pm everyone is ready for bed and Addy starts screaming like she never has before. I had no idea what was going on. Darci comes to the rescue and says she is so constipated. So the boys run 20 miles into town to get her some medicine and get back about 12:00 and we were able to get Addy asleep. Then Sunday morning we get up it is beautiful we get all packed up and are ready to pull out and we have a flat tire on the trailer and we have no spare.We got that fixed and then our window broke again. We got that fixed & made it home safely. Even though things were crazy we still had fun and are ready to go again! I forgot to add in the part , when we first got in the trailer and opened the fridge a bottle of soy sauce had broke and went everywhere it stunk like soy sauce bad!The kids waiting so patiently for their dads to get back from trying to find us a camping spot.
So we could not have a camp fire, which sucked because all of our meals we brought needed a fire. So we compromised. We roasted hot dogs on the little grill and did dutch oven on the road, which we melted, oops!
Jarron and Addy hanging out on their little chairs in the freezing cold. Jarron was so cute with Addy. And she wanted to do everything her big cousins were doing.
Here we are all piled in the trailer having our hot chocolate. It was FREEZING! Then we all piled on to the table bed and watched a movie. It was lots of fun.
Addy loved playing at the park! She sat in the wood chips for about an hour & just played, it was great!
Fishing didn't last to long, mostly cause the weather was not to great. It would be nice and sunny for maybe 10, 15 min. and then it would rain again. Poor Jarron got his hook stuck in his finger. And he got his first fish( really his mom)he was jumping up & down he was so excited and then he saw the blood and started crying and screaming. He didn't like that he hurt the fish.
Kevyn and Chris took the kids over to see the ducks. They were coming right up to them, so they came and got some bread to feed them. The kids thought it was so neat! Kevyn would give Addy some bread to give to the ducks but she wanted it just for herself. She popped that bread in her mouth just as fast as Kevyn gave it to her. That's my girl!!
Posted by cheree at 6:58 AM 7 comments