Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My little lady

My parents just got a really nice camera so I decided to try it out on my LITTLE LADY!


Brooke Low said...

Cheree those pictures are precious. I don't know if it is you or the camera but the pictures are like professional quality! Tell your parents hi for me. I miss them.

Tai and Joe said...

See is too cute! She is growing up so fast. You did a really good job taking her pictures, that is a way nice camera.

Amee Campbell said...

She is beautiful Cheree, just like you :) I am so happy we can talk now!

Am-Biance said...

Such a sweetheart :) Love the black and white pic's.... You should go into photography!!

Shari said...

Those pictures are so adorible. You did a really good job, you should be a photographer =)

Jamie said...

My gosh, she is growing up fast! She looks so big! I guess it's time for another one!!haha She is so pretty. No surprise though, she is YOUR child!:)