Last week while I was trying to pay bills Addy wanted to be up on the counter with me. ( Her new thing she has learned is to pull chairs around the house to get up where she wants to be.)I let her stand on the chair by me and play with the stuff in the drawer, thinking that there was not anything to dangerous in it. While I was writing and talking to Kevyn on the phone she started screaming!! I looked over and saw blood going everywhere. I pretty much threw my phone and started freaking out. I still wasn't quite sure what happened. Any way long story short, she got her finger stuck up in one of the food slicers. I have no idea how she even got the slicer out! Her finger could only be one way for me to get it out so as I was pulling her finger out the blade was slicing off her fingernail. It was awful!!!! It didn't take it all the way off, it was still attached in one spot. We both cried the rest of the day! She wouldn't let me put a bandaid on it, but once we got Elmo bandaids she was ok. Most of the fingernail has come off now. I think it was more dramatic for me than it was for her! I just felt terrible!!
Just a random picture