So my sister-in-law tagged me. I am supposed to tell 10 interesting things about myself, I guess, and then tag 3 other people. I hope that is right, I'm still new at this stuff!! And hopefully some of you will find this interesting!
1. I am a clean freak ( ask my husband)
2. I enjoy cleaning
3. I always told myself I would date the guy I was going to marry for at least a year first. (that didn't happen)
4. I wish I looked like Jennifer Aniston
5. I LOVE strawberry cheesecake milkshakes from Artic Circle ( they are heaven)
6. I am absessed with the show Lost
7. I don't like wearing shoes
8. When I'm nervous I bite my fingernails
9. I could spend all day watching Friends re-runs
10. I love spending time with my family( even our extended families)
I now tag Kelly, Tai, and, Heather Have fun!
Monday, April 21, 2008
"Tag you're it!"
Posted by cheree at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Love that face!!
Addy loves the camera!! She is always pulling some of the funniest faces! Sometimes I wonder where she gets them from. These are just a few of them.
Posted by cheree at 12:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
We are huge Jazz fans!! And we decided to be daring and take Addy to her first game against the Rockets. We won't do that again for awhile!! (not till she is a little older). She loved the little kids sitting behind us and was mad that she could not play with them. I don't think me and Kevyn really even saw the game. It was still fun being together though!
Posted by cheree at 12:42 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Starting to walk
The other night Addy was being so funny. She walks all over the house with her little bike thing. But this night she had to have her bear and her block in one hand. She will walk a little bit by her self but not much. We just love her to pieces!!
Posted by cheree at 9:52 AM 14 comments
Addy loves olives and she figured out all by her self how to eat them the proper way, on your fingers. It was so funny she was very proud of her self!
Posted by cheree at 9:09 AM 1 comments